(FIN-210) Unit 2 The Human Form & Artistic Anatomy

Artists talk Notes: Andrew Moncrief

8 Gestures on newsprint full size

2 continuous line

1 tonal drawing

Sketchbook: 3 sketches of your choice practicing form and anatomy
Source of your choice.

8 Gestures

2 studies

Sketchbook: 3 sketches of your choice practicing form and anatomy
Source of your choice.

Final drawing!

Title: Bodies are just bodies

Medium: pencil crayon

Name: Kimberly Holmes

Artist Statement:

I grew up in a very conservative home, nudity in  art or any form I was taught to be ashamed of, it was overall very taboo. So I wanted to take a moment to celebrate the human form and rewrite my personal beliefs about nudity in art. I chose to do complementary colour composition, amplifying the curves and shape of the figure. I chose to not give the figure a head as to give the idea that this body could be anyone who looks at it, that they are an active part of this piece.